On her own free will, willing, knowingly accepting crimes of her fancy and helping them along.
Another disgrace of a lawyer, who has no respect of any of the oaths she has taken, no respect the the law.
I reported a lot of criminal activity to her, provided evidence, if that don't make her a criminal also, I don't know what does.
Some place I post/blog, that when I was in Arizona, I was served 12 times by a process server, right here in Illinois (most likely cook county sheriff's making money on the side). Her office knew I was in Arizona, but served 12 times. I am in contempt of court, now, the plaintiff lawyer knew these were all wrong, but nobody cared, except to get Mike Mars.
This is not right in any system.
This is non stop pollution, criminal pollution, a lethal cocktail.
and again Alvarez just sits back slapping every on the back on what a good job they are doing
Assistant states attorneys Chandre and Andre, were 2 key principals in the one matter, 2 more criminals
.They (the D.A.'s office, Chandre, Andre and others) knew Wenrich'sreport was wrong, his testimony will be false, perjury, misleading the court, tampering with evidence. The D.A.'s office knew that officerWenrich's testimony and police report was not true. They knewWenrich must have been out of his mind, during the arrest along with the fellow arresting officers.
Wenrich knew his report was wrong, he was out of it that evening, along with his fellow arresting officers, his testimony would be false (perjury).
My defense lawyer (#1 of 5) (the mayor's brother "Tatooles") knew Wenrich's report was false and that Wenrich's testimony would be false, perjury.
Judge Scotillo, knew all of this also and must have said, some thing like, don't worry, who cares? We'll nail this suckers ass, regardless, lets play ball,,,,, oh,,,,, what ever Wenrich was on that night, must have been pretty good, tell him to get me some.
Now we get into Chief Bratcher, seeing a opportunity for some free money.
Why did Tatooles want to give Bratcher $120k? I say because Bratcher knew that Tatooles was involved in obstruction of justice, (one of Bratchers flunky's) and probably some other things, and was going to arrest a Tatooles, unless he (Tatooles) coughed up some money. So they schemed up this plan to for Inverness to pay Bratcher for a report, to recomend another one of his stooges for the top cop in Inverness position. The saps on the Inverness village council, will play right along. Bratcher probably tapped Haas for a finder fee, and why stop there, probably did the same to Chandra and Andre, maybe extorted money from Scotillo, who knows? I would bet there is a easy $1/2 million bucks Bratcher pocked, cause Wenrich and others were out of their mind, hallusaniting that night when he pulled me over and the cover up that followed
So Alvarez want to play cover up also, that's her choice, all her education, dipolmas, degrees, mean nothing other than a waste of money, she is just a common thug, that is the top of organized crime, the Cook County States Attorney's office, in a high place...........you know what they say, the higher you are, the harder the fall.
. Not only is Alvarez leading the Cook County States Attorney's office down this path, but she is leading the Chicago Bar Association and all their lawyers.
When I say Alvarez is a lethal dosage of cirme, I am not kidding. You add a lethal dosage from Scotillo and his group of judges and law bar, then add Madigan and her lethal dosage. They all controll law enforcement, which brings their lethal dosage. This is murder, talk about beating a dead horse.
Why did that idot Quinn want a crime commission, is he death, blind and stupid. It seems pritty obvious to me. .
I sent the attorney general, both - cook county states attorney's, governor Quinn, and a few more people, email several times. Most of my email's were once only. I am sure a record is on every one's email server. I think there is a law that can allow us (the public?), to see what actions was done when and where.
Wire fraud and RICO, apply, as far as I am concerned.
Little ole me, a guy that just, wanted the cop, D.A.'s office, my lawyer, the judge to give me honesty in my trial, even if I was found guilty, just tell the truth. I was hoping, the village, that I did work in for a long time, would have steped up to the plate, but, they refuse.