Maybe she takes pride in her job? Well, one thing, the blue pants, suite? what ever it is she is wearing, looks good on her. That is the only opinion I have of her other than what most other people have about lawyers.
Maybe she is apart of the Northwest Suburban Bar Association club? No she has her own, The Chicago Bar Association.
Maybe she thinks she is above the law also?
I don't know. We all have to deal with the cards dealt to us. As far as I know she is a ok person. I have no reason to think other.
But that still is my problem, I still think the best of people and give them more faith than should and many times, comes back to bite me.
Look at all the corrupt attorneys that are or were assistant states attorney's.
Look at at my bumbling case, you got assistant states attorneys testifying and judges prosecuting in one room about one set of facts, then across the hall the assistant states attorney's twisting, the same facts around to mean the opposite and then judges prosecuting.
You can't have judges lawyers, prosecutors in one court room say, that sign is 35 miles per hour then, across the hall the judges, lawyers, prosecutors say the same sign is 40 miles per hour, or in another court room have judges, lawyers, prosecutors say that the same sign is 45 miles per hour or the same judges, lawyers and prosecutors the next day say the same sign is something else.
Look at Glasgo past employment record.
What did Richard Devine do when his office got my email?
What did Anita Alvarez do when her office got my email?
What did Todd Strogers do when his office got my email?
What did Mayor Daley do? Like who in their right mind believes that Daley did not know the cops were torturing prisoners?
Naturally I have contacted, Springfield, Dick Durban and Obama and others.
Peraica, though, wasted no time attacking Alvarez’s record and questioning her motives. The Peraica campaign, which has made it clear he will make investigating and prosecuting local government corruption a top priority, lambasted Alvarez for being an insider player in an office that’s done little to attack such corruption.
“The state’s attorney office has long built a reputation of turning a blind eye to public corruption,” Peraica campaign manager Curt Mercadante said last week. “Anita Alvarez, especially since she boasts of heading the Public Integrity Unit, was a big part of this well deserved reputation.
“The Public Integrity Unit was out to lunch.”
Mercadante accused Alvarez of being an agent of the status quo who sought, but didn’t receive, the endorsement of outgoing State’s Attorney Richard Devine in the primary. Devine has since endorsed her in the general election.
Mercadante also hinted that Alvarez has begun to cut political deals, citing her dominant showing in such politically controlled wards as John Daley’s 11th, Edward Burke’s 14th and the 13th, controlled by Michael Madigan.